| - \Neither brutal assaults, nor cruel mistreatment, nor\ntorture have ever led me to beg for mercy, for I prefer to die with my head held high, unshakable faith, and the greatest confidence in the destiny of my country rather than live in slavery and contempt for sacred principles. \nHistory will one day have its say; it will not be the history taught in the United Nations, Washington, Paris, or Brussels, however, but the history taught in the countries that have rid themselves of colonialism and its puppets. \nAfrica will write its own history and both north and south of the Sahara it will be a history full of glory and dignity.\\n\n\Do not weep for me, my companion; I know that my country, now suffering so much, will be able to defend its independence and its freedom. Long live the Congo! \nLong live Africa!\\n\n- Patrice Lumumba