| - Features Editors: Paris: Kate Millar +33 1 4041 4636 Hong Kong: Liz Thomas +852 2829 6211 Twitter: @AFPfeature We are offering the following items: + In Seychelles, nature is prized above mass tourism + Tiny Seychelles island coaxes bird back from brink + Child 'love marriages' in Nepal risks young lives Seychelles-tourism-environment,FEATURE ANSE BAZARCA, Seychelles In a shady patch along a pristine white beach on Mahe Island, a radio spits out reggae and snapper sizzles on the barbecue, as Seychelloise Nareen tops up her rum and coke on time off from her job aboard a luxury yacht. A couple dipping their feet into the turquoise waters off in the distance are the only foreign tourists in sight. "We don't have mass tourism in Seychelles, and that's great. That is how we want it," she says. 900 words by Nicolas Delaunay. Pictures by Yasuyoshi Chiba. Video by Celine Clery Seychelles-tourism-environment-conservation,FEATURE COUSIN ISLAND, Seychelles Giant tortoises amble across Cousin Island as rare birds flit above. The scene attests to a stunning success for BirdLife International, a conservation group that bought the tiny Seychelles isle in 1968 to save a songbird from extinction. 550 words by Nicolas Delaunay. Picture by Yasuyoshi Chiba. Video by Celine Clery Nepal-children-marriage,FEATURE SURKHET, Nepal Asha Charti Karki remembers sneaking off with her boyfriend for their wedding while her parents thought she was out studying, joining a growing number of Nepali teenagers changing the trend of child marriage in the country. 800 words by Paavan Mathema. Pictures by Prakash Mathema. Video by Paavan Mathema afp