| - On 18 February 2016, the entertainment web site Free Wood Post published a fake news article claiming that Ted Cruz had vowed to replace the Constitution with the Bible if elected President:
At a campaign event in South Carolina on Thursday, Cruz started shouting like a megachurch preacher on Sunday the day after gay marriage became law of the land. He was loud, he was verbose, and he meant business. The junior senator even went so far as to say what he would do to our existing Constitution if he were to win the White House.
“I’m sure you’ve heard the pundits say that we’re not a Christian nation. Oh, they’re mistaken, my friends. They are severely misguided. Our nation is a Christian nation and when I’m president I’ll make sure of it, because the Bible will be the Constitution. I know what the First Amendment says, and I DON’T CARE! We’ve strayed from Christian principles so far that now we have black presidents and homosexual marriages happening in every state of our dear union. It’s deplorable. It’s unAmerican. However, we can change all that, and it’s as simple as voting for me. Will you please do that, folks. Will you please vote for me. It’s what George Washington would want. In fact, it’s what Jesus would want.”
While Ted Cruz frequently talks about his faith — a section of his campaign web site is dedicated to "religious liberty" — the Republican presidential candidate never said that he would replace the Constitution with the Bible.
The above-displayed quote originated on the Free Wood Post, an entertainment web site that does not publish factual news stories:
Free Wood Post is a news and political satire web publication, which may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within are fiction, and presumably fake news.