| - On 16 December 2017, entertainment web site published an article appearing to report that former porn actress and current social media pundit Mia Khalifa insulted Federal Communications Commission chairman Ajit Pai after he sent her flirtatious direct messages on Twitter:
Adult actress Mia Khalifa reportedly exposed FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai via Instagram with a screenshotted post of Ajit Pai sliding in her Twitter direct messages. Although Mia reportedly deleted the post in less than 5 minutes, it gained over 2,000 likes, 300 comments, and was screenshotted by many followers.
Huzlers also claimed to have a screenshot of the exchange:
Although Mia Khalifa has a history of publicly shaming people who try to "slide into her DMs" (a humorous meme that involves sending someone a direct message for the express purpose of trying to flirt with them, usually invoking maximum awkwardness) this image does not document a real exchange between Khalifa and Pai. is an entertainment web site that does not publish genuine news items. A disclaimer at the very bottom of every page reads: is the most infamous fauxtire & satire entertainment website in the world. If it's trending on social media you'll find it here!
This article is not a genuine news story, but it did come close enough to the truth that many people believed (or wanted to believe) it was real, as not only has Khalifa publicly shamed unwanted suitors on social media before, she is also clearly not a fan of Ajit Pai's or the decision to repeal net neutrality.
For example, Khalifa tweeted, then deleted, the following message about the FCC commissioner on 14 December 2017, showing bleach being poured into a pint glass and bearing the following message:
Every bartender in DC gonna have a secret menu for when @AjitPaiFCC walks in from now on #NetNeutrality