| - Last Updated on June 8, 2024 by Nivedita
Quick Take
A video shows a woman claiming that garlic can unclog the sinus by sticking up cloves into her nostrils to achieve a runny nose. We fact-checked and found the claim to be false.
The Claim
A YouTube video titled, “Put Garlic in your nose #lifehack” shows a tiktok user putting garlic cloves in her nostril to achieve a runny nose.
The video is embedded down-below:
Fact Check
What is sinus?
Sinuses are air-filled four paired chambers in the head. They are connected with narrow channels to drain thin mucus away from the nose. This drainage helps with keeping the nose clean and free of bacteria.
When sinuses become sore, the chambers, often filled with fluid, block the mucus preventing it from flowing out from the nose.
Can sticking garlic cloves into nostrils cure sinus?
No. Sticking garlic into nostrils does not cure sinus. Doctors also do not recommend this practice as it is dangerous for the nose. People may accidentally inhale the garlic clove that may reach the lungs or windpipe.
The possible reason for a runny nose is obstructing a blocked nose with garlic clove led to an outpouring response in the form of a runny nose. It is possible that blocking nostrils with garlic cloves induce Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation (TNS) that causes a runny nose. TNS is also responsible for teary eyes while cutting an onion.
ENT specialist, Dr. Priyajeet Panigrahi, says, “Garlic contains the most essential and beneficial chemical compound known as Allicin. Allicin has well known antimicrobial properties and can reduce infection. However, there is no evidence of any analgesic or mucolytic properties yet observed in garlic. Also, this trend isn’t safe and should not be done at home”.
The Healthy Indian Project (THIP Media) media has also discussed that putting a garlic clove in ear does not reduce pain, infection and headache here.