| - Fact Check: Image purporting to show a real two-legged camel is altered
A viral image purporting to show a two-legged camel is altered. The original image is edited and shared with the fake claim.
- By: Urvashi Kapoor
- Published: Apr 21, 2022 at 10:40 AM
- Updated: Apr 21, 2022 at 03:33 PM
New Delhi (Vishvas News): A post doing rounds on social media claims to show a two-legged camel that survived a land mine accident in Saudi Arabia. The image was accompanied by a back story about the alleged incident. Vishvas News investigated the post and found it to be fake. The original image has been doctored and the camel’s hind legs were removed from the original photo.
A photo shared on Facebook shows a camel, the caption alongside the post reads: “This Camel in Saudi Arabia had lost half it’s body when it unfortunately wondered onto a land mine. After losing the back portion of its body, surgeons worked tirelessly arranging the internal organs into a functioning system. They also created the Camel a new functioning Anus. The Camel has made new friends with the local Ostrich family where they have adopted him as one of their own. The Camel is able to regurgitate water directly into the Ostriches mouths when there is no other water source available.”
The archived version of the post can be checked here.
Vishvas News performed Google Reverse Image Search to investigate the image. We found a similar image in the blogpost.
The image was uploaded by a person named Dr Abdul Raziq Kakar, who describes himself as an animal scientist. He has been posting images of various camels on his blog. He also uploaded footage of camels on his YouTube channel.
Vishvas News contacted Dr. Abdul through Twitter. He shared: “I shot this picture but later someone edited it and removed two legs. The altered image circulated in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and other parts of the world.”
The same photo of the four-legged camel was also shared on another website, check details here.
Vishvas News scanned the profile of the user who shared the viral post. The user named Frank Yu is based out of New York.
Conclusion: A viral image purporting to show a two-legged camel is altered. The original image is edited and shared with the fake claim.
- Claim Review : This Camel in Saudi Arabia had lost half it's body when it unfortunately wondered onto a land mine. After losing the back portion of its body, surgeons worked tirelessly arranging the internal organs into a functioning system. They also created the Camel a new functioning Anus. The Camel has made new friends with the local Ostrich family where they have adopted him as one of their own. The Camel is able to regurgitate water directly into the Ostriches mouths when there is no other water source available.
- Claimed By : FB user: Frank Yu
- Fact Check : False
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