| - A viral video showing a man walking on his hands around the Kedarnath temple compound in Uttarakhand, has gone viral over WhatsApp and social media with a false claim that is shows a 26-year old Narendra Modi doing yoga.
BOOM spoke to the temple priest Santosh Trivedi who confirmed that he is the man seen in the viral video doing yoga around the shrine to observe International Yoga Day on June 21, 2021.
The video is being shared with the caption when translated reads, "Today I am sharing a very beautiful video with all of you. When our honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji was 26 years old, how he did Parikrama of Kedarnath temple, you must see it once, you should also see your Prime Minister (great yogi), be very proud"
(In Hindi - आज आप सभी के साथ एक बहुत ही सुंदर वीडियो शेयर कर रही हूं जब हमारे माननीय प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी 26 साल के थे ,तो उन्होंने किस तरह केदारनाथ मंदिर की परिक्रमा की थी, इसे आप एक बार अवश्य देखें. आपको भी अपने प्रधानमंत्री( महान योगी) पर बहुत गर्व महसूस होगा)
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The same video is being shared with the false claim on Facebook.
BOOM also received the viral video on our WhatsApp Tipline number (7700906588) inquiring about it
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BOOM found that the viral video is from Kedarnath temple in Uttrakhand showing temple priest Santosh Trivedi circumambulating around the temple shrine on the occasion of International Yoga Day on June 21, 2021.
We ran a keyword search "kedarnath" and "yoga" and found old Facebook posts from June 2021 that identified the man in the viral video as a Santosh Trivedi, a priest from Kedarnath Temple in Uttrakhand.
The caption of the post reads, "A great Yogic Acharya Santosh Trivedi ji performing pradakshina around Kedarnath temple in Adho Mukha Vrikshasana".
We also found news reports on previous instances when Trivedi circumambulated the Kedarnath Temple shrine on his hands.
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BOOM then contacted Santosh Trivedi who confirmed to us that he is the man in the viral video and was taken on International Yoga Day in 2021.
"That is me in the viral video, Since the last three years, on the occasion of Yoga Day, I go around the temple in the same way. The viral video in which I am wearing a yellow dhoti is from 2021 on International Yoga Day," Trivedi told BOOM.
Trivedi also sent us the original video where he is seen in the same outfit doing yoga around the temple shrine.The original video does not contain music that has been overlaid on the viral video.
Earlier in November 2020, a black and white video of BKS Iyengar doing yoga had gone viral as Prime Minister Narendra Modi doing yoga.
Also Read: 1938 Video Of BKS Iyengar Performing Yoga Falsely Shared As PM Narendra Modi