| - Fact Check: Viral image claiming to show Black Bat flowers is AI-generated
Flowers play a significant role in nature, contributing to biodiversity and ecosystems. Among the vast array of flowering plants, some species are rare and unusual, often found in specific habitats or under particular conditions.
Claim :The viral image shows Black Bat flowers, those of a mysterious plant, which resemble bat face
Fact :The flower image is AI generated and does not show the Black Bat flower
Flowers play a significant role in nature, contributing to biodiversity and ecosystems. Among the vast array of flowering plants, some species are rare and unusual, often found in specific habitats or under particular conditions. These flowers can be difficult to locate. Unusual flowers often have unique features that distinguish them from more common varieties. The Corpse Flower, for example, is notable for its size and the strong odor it emits, which attracts specific pollinators.
Understanding and appreciating these rare and unusual flowers is essential for conservation efforts and recognizing the importance of preserving biodiversity. Their existence highlights the complexity of ecosystems and the need for ongoing efforts to protect these unique species.
Recently, images showing black-colored flowers, that resemble bat faces are shared virally on social media with the claim that they are Black Bat flowers with striking black bracts and whisker-like filaments, resembling bat faces. A brown-colored tongue-shaped structure can be seen protruding out from a funnel-shaped structure. These images are in circulation with the caption “Black Bat Flower (Tacca chantrieri) A mysterious plant with striking black bracts and whisker-like filaments, resembling eerie bat faces hanging in the jungle! Light: Bright, indirect. Water: Keep soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged. Soil: Well-draining, rich in organic matter. Temp - °60-70°F (20-26°C). Humidity: High, 60-80%. Fertilizer: Monthly, diluted balanced fertilizer during the growing season. A truly unique and spooky addition to your plant collection!”
Fact Check:
The claim is Misleading. The image in circulation is AI generated. The original Black Bat flower does not have a tongue-like structure protruding from a funnel-shaped structure.
When we checked the image using the AI-generated image detector named ‘Is it AI?’, the image was found to be AI-generated.
We also checked the image using another AI-generated image detector, Hive moderation, and the image was found to be 99% likely to be AI-generated.
To confirm whether a black bat flower really exists in nature, we searched using the keywords ‘Black bat flower’, and we found several articles showing real black bat flowers.
According to the Division of Agriculture, University of Arizona, the Black Bat flower also called devil flower and cat’s whiskers is an unusual tropical herb of Southeast Asia. About 15 species are found in nature with one of them native to Malaysia. The report goes on to state that the flowers are backed by a pair of black bat-winged shaped bracts that can be about six inches across, with a set of 30 or more long drooping, greenish whiskers. The article also shares the image of the black bat flower, we cannot see any tongue-like structure or a funnel shape on this flower.
According to Searles, the Black Bat plant displays black, brown, or purplish flowers resembling a bat’s face. The article on the website also shares the image of the flower, which is completely different from the viral image.
Here is the comparison of the flowers.
Hence, the viral image does not show a Black Bat plant flower, it is AI-generated image. The claim is Misleading.