| - Last Updated on August 8, 2024 by Nivedita
Quick Take
A social media website published post reporting research finding on blocking exposure to electromagnetic field radiation from 5G boosts the immune system. We fact-checked and found the claim to be False.
The Claim
A Facebook page named Live Better Group published a post about a webinar on “All About the 5G & EMF NIGHTMARE. WHY YOU SHOULD BE CONCERNED & WHAT YOU CAN DO. What we’ll talk about in this LIVE TRAINING: The new 5G technology that makes everything so much worse”.
The Facebook post referred a (2018) study that states, “Blocking exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF’s) produces significantly reduced symptoms in 90% of patients with autoimmune disease like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Sjogren’s syndrome and celiac disease.”
We are unable to find this study. The link to the webinar can be seen here.
Fact Check
Can a 5G network affect the immune system?
No. There is no evidence that suggests the 5G network can affect the immune system. As wireless networks release radiation, many people have raised their concerns after the World Health Organisation (WHO) (2011) classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as ‘possibly carcinogenic to humans based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer associated with wireless phone use’.
However, the available studies that provide evidence of adverse health effects of 5Gg are either preliminary literature studies or done on animals. As scant human trials are available, further research is essential to confirm the 5G network’s effects on the immune system.
Is the radiation by 5G network harmful?
A telecom website has shown that the 5G network is accessible in the 3.5GHz frequency bandwidth. The current 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi networks also operate in 3.5GHz frequency bandwidth. However, 5G networks can reach up to 26GHz frequency bandwidth to achieve higher speeds.
A false post shared a news story which claims that a condition called Vaxgenocide is happening, where the heads of vaccinated people are exploding when they turn up 5G.
A 5G network band can have a wavelength of 3-30GHz in centimeters and 30-300GHz in millimeters. A study has shown different uses of 5G network frequencies in a table.
Moreover, another study has shown that non-ionizing radiation in the frequency range 30kHz-300GHz is carcinogenic for human beings. As the frequency of the 5G network falls in the 30kHz-300GHz bracket, people contemplate whether the 5G network is harmful or not. However, it is also true that the majority of the people are exposed to lower frequencies of the 5G network that do not have any effect on human health.
The study on radiofrequency radiation is challenging because the available studies have used different approaches and provided sometimes-conflicting results. These reasons have made it difficult to collate the data and come up with the answer regarding radiofrequency radiation safety.
However, the widespread use of the 5G network is a global issue and ‘prolonged exposure to radiofrequency radiation causes cancer’ cannot be ruled out completely.