| - FACT CHECK: No, 46 States Have Not Performed Vote Recounts For The 2020 Presidential Election
An image shared on Facebook claims 46 states have performed vote recounts that confirmed President Joe Biden lost the 2020 presidential election.
Verdict: False
Only six states have conducted recounts for the 2020 presidential election. All of them confirmed Biden’s win.
Fact Check:
In the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, former President Donald Trump and some Republican lawmakers have repeatedly demanded vote recounts over allegations of widespread voter fraud, according to The Guardian.
An image shared on Facebook claims 46 states acquiesced to these demands. “SCREENSHOT BEFORE THIS GETS DELETED 46 of 50 states have now recounted and CONFIRMED that Biden lost the vote in their state,” reads text included in the image. “The media has not said ANYTHING about this and continue to ignore it.”
The claim is incorrect. A report published by the Stanford-MIT Healthy Elections Project explains that as of March 2021, six states participated in election audits or recounts. States such as Georgia and Michigan conducted state-wide recounts, while Wisconsin performed recounts in Dane and Milwaukee Counties, according to the report. All three audits upheld Biden’s victory in those areas.
While Trump filed “six challenges to the counting process” in Pennsylvania, all of those challenges were dismissed, the Healthy Elections Project found. (RELATED: Did A Maricopa County Audit Find 700,000 More Votes For Donald Trump?)
Following this, a series of election audits were performed in Maricopa County, Arizona, with a final report in March 2022 suggesting there was no evidence of fraud in the county, according to the Associated Press.
The latest audit is currently being performed in four counties in Texas, including Dallas, Collin, Tarrant and Harris County, according to KXAN, an NBC affiliate. The audit is currently in its second phase, covering an “exhaustive document request” from the four counties over their handling of the election, the outlet reported.
Biden won the 2020 election with 306 electoral votes compared to Trump’s 232, according to The New York Times. Check Your Fact has debunked numerous false claims about the election.