| - A set of disturbing videos showing a man holding a girl at knifepoint before slitting her throat is being shared on social media with false captions giving the incident a communal overtone.
BOOM spoke to the local police who confirmed to us that while the incident did happen in Surat, there was no communal angle in it and both the victim and the perpetrator belonged to the same community.
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One of the viral videos shows a man holding a girl at knifepoint while threatening the people around to stay away. Another video shows the girl lying in a pool of blood near his feet while the man stands there. The second video has the words 'Barbaric Luv Zihad Surat Guajarat Valentine's Day' written over it.
A long Hindi caption with the video translates to 'Surat Gujarat A Hindu girl's throat was slit in broad daylight by a Muslim because she refused to convert to Islam. Hindus wake up and save your children from being maimed like this. Tomorrow your number shall come and your neighboring Hindus will stand at a distance and just beg to leave you'.
(Hindi: सूरत गुजरात एक हिंदू लड़की को मुसलमान लड़के ने दिनदहाड़े चाकू से गर्दन काट दि, क्योकी उस हिंदू लड़की ने मुसलमान बनने से मना कर दिया. हिंदुओं जागो, बचा लो अपने बच्चों को ऐसे कटने से, कल ऐसे ही आप का भी नंबर आएगा और आपके आस पड़ोस के हिन्दू दूर खडे प्लीज प्लीज रहवा दे की खोखली भीक और बकरी जैसी गुहार लगाते नजर आयेंगे)
BOOM has not embedded the video due to its disturbing content.
Click here to check the post. Viewers discretion is advised.
The video has been shared from multiple Facebook pages with similar claims.
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The video is viral on Twitter with similar claims.
What Is The Incident?
BOOM did a keyword search and found multiple news reports on the incident. According to a report published in the Indian Express on February 16, 2022, the incident took place in Pasodara area of Surat, Gujarat on February 12.
The news report stated that the Kamrej police had on February 15 arrested a 20-year-old youth for slitting a 21-year-old woman's throat in presence of her family members. According to the report, the girl Grishma Vekariya had rejected the accused Fenil Goyani's proposal which had left him enraged.
The news reports stated that Goyani attempted suicide by slitting his wrists after killing the girl.
Additionally, none of the news reports mentioned that the accused belonged to the Muslim community.
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BOOM also contacted Kamrej police station for more details. An official posted at the police station told BOOM that the incident had no communal angle to it. "Both the girl and the boy belonged to the same community," the police inspector told BOOM.