| - Last Updated on September 15, 2023 by Aditi Gangal
Quick Take
According to a Facebook post, using black seed powder and the oil that can be extracted from it alone or in combination with organic honey and lemons can completely treat cancer. We checked the assertion. Our research suggests that the assertion is False.
The Claim
According to a Facebook post, black seed powder and its extracted oil, when consumed either on their own or in combination with unprocessed honey and organic lemons, could cure cancer.
Fact Check
How trustworthy is the viral assertion?
The claimant’s ‘one for all cancer treatments’ cannot be believed because it is unsupported by scientific research. His blog claims that “nothing’s incurable” when natural ingredients are consumed. Additionally, he calls himself a “practicing energy healer,” but he does not hold a legitimate medical license. The claimant has also received a prior warning for promoting black seeds as coronavirus protection without any supporting data.
Besides that, the American Society of Cancer states that the type and stage of the cancer, the type of treatment available, as well as other factors, determine how the condition is treated. This may help to explain the situation. Additionally, the prognosis for recovery varies among different cancers. But every cancer needs to be handled differently. Cancer cannot be treated with a single technique.
Can organic honey, black seeds, and lemons effectively treat all cancers?
No, absolutely not. This is due to the diversity of cancer treatments. The type of treatment you receive will depend on the type of cancer you have and its stage. Some cancer patients will only receive one treatment. However, the majority of patients receive a combination of therapies, such as surgery along with chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Various other treatments are also available, such as hormone therapy, photodynamic therapy, immunotherapy, hyperthermia, target therapy, and stem cell transplantation.
In our research, we found that the black seeds, also known as Nigella sativa, “may improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels, blood pressure, and blood sugar control, as well as accelerate the reduction of body fat.” Thymoquinone, black seed’s main active ingredient, has shown antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and other therapeutic properties that protect the body from cell damage and chronic illnesses. However, more references would be required to believe that eating black seeds cure several diseases, including cancer..
Additionally, honey has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and inflammatory properties. Nonetheless, there is no scientific evidence that organic honey can cure cancer.
Lastly, lemons and other citrus fruits have a range of health-improving properties, especially those that are anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-cancer. They also offer protection for the cardiovascular and nervous systems. However, they have the potential to be used as co-adjuvants in modern oncological therapies and play a significant role in cancer prevention. Thus, additional experimental and clinical research is necessary to utilize the therapeutic potential and health advantages of lemon extracts.
When we asked Voomika Mukherjee, our Health & Nutrition Life coach, about this, she explained that, “No food or food group can prevent cancer and that avoiding certain foods will not reduce your risk. She emphasized that eating meals of adequate quality and quantity can help you lower your risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. However, no food, including black seeds, honey, and lemon, can cure cancer. Maintaining body weight, particularly visceral fat, and muscle strength, in addition to a balanced diet, is critical while treating cancer. The best way is to eat a well-balanced diet rich in lean proteins, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy. Reduce your intake of sugar, caffeine, salt, and alcohol.”
Why is a healthy diet crucial when treating cancer?
It’s critical to closely monitor the diet because cancer treatment may cause changes in appetite and body weight. Eating a balanced diet while receiving chemotherapy or radiation therapy can be very beneficial, in addition to aiding in weight maintenance. These primarily aid in reducing pain and swelling, boosting energy, improving muscle tone, and managing side effects of treatment.
Dietitian Kamna Chauhan, emphasizes the importance of a healthy diet during cancer treatment. This is due to the fact that both the disease and the treatment for cancer alter a patient’s diet. Cancer patients’ diets differ from person to person. A high-protein diet is typically part of it, which helps with weight maintenance. Additionally, fresh juices and milkshakes are frequently consumed to relieve mouth and throat sores. While battling cancer, one might be advised to follow a diet that builds strength. As a result, eating well may improve one’s health and enable them to feel better, recover faster, lower their risk of infection, and maintain their vitality and strength.
What foods should you eat while undergoing cancer treatment?
When undergoing chemotherapy or other cancer treatments, plant-based proteins are among the healthiest foods to eat. These include consuming a lot of vegetables, along with beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are also good for cancer patients. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in abundance in avocados, olive oil, grapeseed oil, and walnuts and are helpful in reducing inflammation and enhancing heart health.
Always choose minimally processed foods like whole wheat, bran, and oats when choosing carbohydrates. These have soluble fiber, which helps to keep a balanced intestinal flora. Vitamins and minerals along with water support the body’s enzymatic processes, which play a significant role in enhancing immune function and reducing inflammation while undergoing cancer treatment.
THIP MEDIA TAKE: We conclude that organic honey, organic lemon, and black seeds may prevent some types of cancer but cannot treat them all. This is due to the fact that the stage, type, and type of treatment options all affect the cancer treatment. Therefore, the claim is false.