| - FACT CHECK: Does This Image Show Joe Biden Writing With His Left Hand?
A post shared on Facebook claims to show President Joe Biden signing executive orders with his left hand, proving he has a body double.
Verdict: False
The image on the right has been flipped to make it seem like Biden is signing with his left hand. Photos and videos from the same day show him signing with his right hand, and he has said he is not left-handed.
Fact Check:
The post attempts to juxtapose two photos of Biden, one from years ago and one from 2021, to suggest that the more recent picture shows a body double disguised as the president. In the photo on the left, Biden is signing a document with his right hand, whereas, in the photo on the right, he appears to be signing an executive order with his left hand.
“Okay folk’s (sic) here is the deal in 2008 Joe Biden is right handed,” reads the text accompanying the pictures. “Joe Biden in 2021 is left handed. The stories are true our President is a body double.”
Both pictures are real; however, the one on the right has been flipped to misleadingly make it seem like he is signing with the opposite hand. The original image appears to have been taken by Associated Press photographer Evan Vucci on Jan. 20, the day Biden was inaugurated. In the original, the folders and American flag are on Biden’s right, and he is signing with his right hand.
Other photos the same day show Biden signing documents with his right hand. In footage posted on PBS NewsHour and CNBC Television’s respective YouTube channels, he can also be seen signing executive orders right-handed on Jan. 20.
Furthermore, Biden said in a 2020 interview for Wired that he is not left-handed. (RELATED: Did Joe Biden ‘Quietly’ Pardon 2,617 Black Lives Matter Protesters?)
The other picture in the Facebook post shows Biden signing a “condolence book at the Polish Embassy in Washington, D.C., April 14, 2010,” according to its description on the Obama White House Flickr account. It was taken by White House photographer David Lienemann.
Check Your Fact has previously debunked digitally altered images of Biden. For instance, social media users shared an image that falsely claimed to show him wearing a walking boot on his left foot instead of his right.