| - FACT CHECK: No, This Image Does Not Show Scottish Railroad At Edge Of Precipice
An image shared on Facebook allegedly shows a railroad in Scotland at the edge of a mountain precipice.
Verdict: False
The photo was created with artificial intelligence (AI).
Fact Check:
A federal jury has ruled BNSF Railway contributed to the deaths of two people who were exposed to asbestos-tainted mining material that was shipped through Libby, Montana, according to AP News. The estates of the two victims were awarded $4 million in compensatory damages, the outlet reported.
A Facebook image allegedly shows a train on railroad tracks on a mountain very close to a sharp drop enshrouded by mist.
“Scotrail have today announced the re-opening of the Northern Line, traditionally only used during the summer months,” the post reads. “The route, from Kirkcaldy to Dundee through the beautiful mountain region of Fifeshire, shaves hours off the coastal route.”
This image is not genuine, however. It was originally posted on Instagram by an account that has “Natural animation” and “Editor” in its bio. Many other posts from this account appear to have been created digitally. Using Hive Moderation, a tool for detecting AI-generated content, the result is 99.6% “likely to contain AI-generated or deepfake content.”
ScotRail doesn’t have a line known as the “Northern Line,” but instead “The Far North Line,” which can be seen on its site. Check Your Fact could not locate the alleged announcement about the line reopening through a search of its site.
The claim was also debunked by Snopes. (RELATED: Did Scotland Begin Accepting Refugees From Gaza?)
Check Your Fact reached out to a ScotRail spokesperson for comment and will update this piece accordingly if one is received.