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At a glance:
- Claim: A delivery rider was victimized by an unknown customer who booked for the delivery of a severed head.
- Rating: FALSE
- The facts: The video containing the claim was taken from an actual news report in October that was about unpaid food deliveries, not a delivery of a severed head.
- Why we fact checked this: Facebook’s monitoring tool flagged at least 17 links that contained the claim for fact checkers to verify. The YouTube video also had over 21,000 views as of writing.
Complete details:
Website falsely claimed in an article dated Monday, November 30, that a delivery rider was victimized by an unknown customer who booked for the delivery of a severed head.
When clicked, the website redirected to, which had an embedded video that appeared to be from GMA News’ evening program 24 Oras. The website does not let viewers play the whole video but asks them to share the link on their own social media accounts to “uncover” the rest of the clip.
This is false. The video embedded was taken from an actual news clip from 24 Oras, but it did not mention anything about a severed head. Instead, it was about delivery riders duped by customers who booked for food deliveries worth about P20,000 but did not show up to pay for it.
GMA News’ verified YouTube account uploaded the actual news clip on October 20.
Meanwhile, the video embedded in the dubious websites was uploaded by YouTube channel CNN Saturnino. The news ticker was edited to make it appear that it was about the delivery of a severed head.
Websites and, and YouTube channel CNN Saturnino are not affiliated with GMA News and Public Affairs. The official website of GMA News is available here, and its verified Youtube account here.
YouTube channel CNN Saturnino also has a record of uploading videos with false information. Rappler previously debunked one of the videos it recently uploaded, which said that social media personality DJ Loonyo died in a car crash in Antipolo.
Claim Check, Facebook’s monitoring tool, flagged at least 17 different links from the domain The claim was reported at least 94 times for containing potentially false information. The edited YouTube video also had over 21,000 views as of writing. – Pauline Macaraeg/
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