| - On 1 April 2017, the web site The Last Line of Defense published an article positing that three "liberal celebrities" (James Franco, Seth Rogen, and Miley Cyrus) were apprehended in connection with a conspiracy to assassinate President Donald Trump:
Liberals have been going nuts ever since their hero, the criminal Hillary Clinton, lost the election. They just can’t believe that Donald trump, a man who stole the hearts of a huge majority of Americans, won in such a landslide. Even though the people have spoken, liberals think they should get their way. Their heroes, a bunch of tree-hugging Hollywood celebrities, have been leading that charge whenever possible.
This morning, new details came out that are shocking even to conservatives. The Secret Service has arrested three liberal celebrities in an apparent conspiracy to assassinate the president. You heard that right. They aren’t protesting and they didn’t just make threats, they were actually conspiring to kill President Trump ... The three to be charged with terrorist threats, conspiracy to commit murder and treason are Actors Seth Rogan and James Franco and singer/songwriter Miley Cyrus. All three will be arraigned in federal court Monday morning. They implicated more than a dozen others who will face conspiracy charges but those names aren’t being released until they’ve been picked up and interrogated themselves to see just how far this thing goes.
There was no truth to this story, which originated with The Last Line of Defense (The Resistance), an openly fake news site whose disclaimer explains its satirical purpose:
The Resistance may include information from sources that may or may not be reliable and facts that don’t necessarily exist. All articles should be considered satirical and any and all quotes attributed to actual people complete and total baloney. Pictures that represent actual people should be considered altered and not in any way real.
The image used in the article was published by the Australian Northern Daily Leader in January 2015 and long antedated any purported April 2017 conspiracies involving American celebrities or President Trump.