| - Last Updated on June 9, 2024 by Nivedita
Quick Take
A social media post claims that various types of cancer, such as cancers of the lung, breast, stomach, etc., can be treated after ingesting Pavana leaf. We fact-checked and found this claim to be Mostly False.
The Claim
A Facebook post with the caption, “They don’t want you to know lungs cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer, cancer etc.” shares a video showing Pavana leaf and the narrator saying, “ Now hear what people, this here is the Pavana AKA croton.” He further advises drying the Pavana leaf and steeping it in hot water to make tea for anyone with lung cancer, breast cancer and stomach cancer.
Fact Check
What is cancer?
Cancer is a disease caused by uncontrolled cell growth that damages the normal functioning of the affected body part and spreads to other regions. There are many different types of cancer, each with its unique characteristics and treatment options. Cancer can occur in any part of the body and can affect people of all ages, although the risk of developing cancer increases with age.
Can Pavana Leaf treat cancer?
Not exactly. There is a lack of credible scientific evidence to support the claim that Pavana leaf can treat cancer. While some traditional medicine practices may use Pavana leaf for various purposes, including as a natural remedy for different health conditions, there is no reliable evidence to suggest that it can cure or prevent cancer. Cancer treatment needs a multimodal approach, including surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy, and immunotherapy.
Dr. Anil Sharma, Consultant Haemato-Oncologist and Paediatric Oncologist at Cancer Hospital and Research Institute, Gwalior comments on this by stating, “Herbal remedies, also known as botanical medicine, have been used in many traditional medicine systems. They are produced from all parts of a plant, including the roots, leaves, berries and flowers. These may contain active ingredients that can cause chemical changes in the body. Herbal remedies can be taken by mouth or applied to the skin to treat disease and promote health. Sometimes herbs and plants are categorized as biological treatments.
Many scientific studies have examined the effects of various herbs on people with cancer. While some remedies have been shown to reduce the side effects of cancer treatment, many remedies aren’t supported by research.”
Researchers studied the anti-tumor effect of Croton tiglium or Pavana plant in vitro. They found that it holds significant anti-tumor properties on cancer cells, and it can become an anti-cancer drug in future. It must be noted that the study was done in vitro. While in vitro studies can provide valuable insights into the biological mechanisms and effects of a particular treatment or intervention, they cannot fully capture the complex interactions and responses that occur within a living organism.
Additionally, tumour-enhancing activities of Croton tiglium or Pavana have been studied for many years.
Even though some complementary and alternative therapies may be used alongside conventional cancer treatment, it is essential to discuss any such interventions with a healthcare professional to ensure their safety and effectiveness. It is also important to note that using alternative therapies as a substitute for evidence-based cancer treatment can be dangerous and may worsen the prognosis.
Dr. P. Rammanohar, Research Director, Amrita School of Ayurveda, highlights this by stating, “Cancer is not a single disease, and there is no remedy for cancer. Different types of cancer are treated with different procedures of chemotherapy. One drug does not work across all cancers.”
Dr. Sharma further adds to this and concludes, “There is no reliable scientific evidence that herbal remedies alone can cure or treat cancer. However, some plant extracts have been found to have anti-cancer effects. Pavana leaf, also known as croton, is powerful in healing external wounds and relieving joint pain when applied topically. Other popular speculated uses include the treatment of diabetes, malaria, fever, digestive problems, cancer, and hypertension when ingested.
But there are no specific trials or research studies for specific cancer. Or we can say there is no direct evidence for cancer cure due to Pavana leaf.”
Can diet cure cancer?
No. Diet alone cannot completely cure cancer. However, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), including diet-based practices, are considered to have some curative properties. But we do not have enough scientific evidence that can confirm CAM is better than standard treatment procedures. As of now, CAM is considered by many to improve their quality of life with less severe symptoms.
Relying only on home remedies to cure cancer and not seeking standard treatment can worsen the condition because it allows more time for cancer cells to spread throughout the body. This is one of the major reasons why cancer is extremely difficult to treat in the later stages.