| - An old video of a man demanding the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS) be banned, has gone viral with a misleading claim.
The video is being shared with a caption, "Champions of NOTA, accept the gift!! Listen how the #alleged messenger of peace is demanding a ban on RSS in Jodhpur."
(Hindi: #नोटाविरों तौफा कबूल हो!! लो सुन लो #RssBANकी मांग कर रहे #तथाकथितSANTIDOOTमुसलमान जोधपुर में!!)
The caption with the viral post insinuates that the video is from Jodhpur, Rajasthan, where the Congress party is in power.
However, the video is from Doda district of Jammu and Kashmir and was uploaded on YouTube on September 9, 2018.
Watch the video here and access its archived version here and here.
The man in the video can be heard saying the following/
"If the incumbent government gives time, it's good or else we will come on the fields and march till Udhampur, Dadri, Haryana and Delhi and punish the 'kaafirs' on our own. RSS must be declared a terrorist organisation. Officials of the police department, intelligence department present here, record what we say on your mobiles. Here, withing Doda district right now, RSS shakhas are being organised where they are communalizing and radicalizing our Hindu brothers from here. They are being trained to use weapons. These RSS shakhas should be immediately closed. An RSS shakha operates from Doda's Jodhpur. If the police and administration don't close these RSS shakhas, whether they are being run in Durganagar or Jodhpur or other places here, we will ensure that we shut it down."
The video has been shared from several right wing pages on Facebook with similar claims.
Fact Check
It's clear from the video that the Jodhpur mentioned here is a village in Doda, Jammu and Kashmir, and not Jodhpur, a city in Rajasthan.
BOOM then looked for the video and found that the same clip was uploaded on YouTube channel Voice of Kashmir on September 9, 2018, with the title: 'Free Babar Ul Islam Doda J&K.' The speech has been muted in this video and a background track plays instead.
We then looked for Babar Ul Islam and found several news reports on him.
Who Is Babar Ul Islam?
Babur Ul Islam Nehru or Hassan Babur is an advocate and an activist from Doda district of Jammu and Kashmir.
Babur had been quite vocal in his demand of banning the RSS. The speech, video of which is now viral with a misleading claim, was also a similar protest rally organised by him.
The advocate had been arrested by the police on more than one occasion on the charges of allegedly 'sharing vital security and information related to the army establishment with ISI agents and other terrorist organizations through social networking websites', and has also been booked under the Public Safety Act.