What was claimed
A video shows Muslims in Birmingham attacking cars so they can break fast during Ramadan on a road.
Our verdict
The video is actually of violence following a football match in Switzerland in 2018.
A video shows Muslims in Birmingham attacking cars so they can break fast during Ramadan on a road.
The video is actually of violence following a football match in Switzerland in 2018.
A video people are claiming shows Muslims in Birmingham attacking cars to clear a road so they can break fast during Ramadan has been shared on Facebook.
But the video is not from Birmingham, has nothing to do with closing roads for Ramadan, and was not filmed this year.
The footage is of a violent clash after a football match in Basel, Switzerland in May 2018. Following a match between FC Basel and FC Luzern violence broke out in the city reportedly involving a group of Swiss football supporters called ZKH.
Shortly after videos of the incident were shared on social media, they were incorrectly reported as showing violence in Birmingham during Ramadan in 2018. They were shared again during Ramadan in 2019.
This article is part of our work fact checking potentially false pictures, videos and stories on Facebook. You can read more about this—and find out how to report Facebook content—here. For the purposes of that scheme, we’ve rated this claim as false the video does not show Muslims attacking cars in Birmingham.
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