In August 2024, memes attributing the quote "If you don't plug your EV into a solar panel or a windmill, you're just playing an expensive game of make-believe" to "Frasier" star Kelsey Grammer appeared on Facebook:
There was no truth to this claim, as it originated from the Facebook account of a network of websites known as America's Last Line of Defense (ALLOD) that explicitly label their content "satirical." The ALLOD Facebook account from which the assertion originated describes its output as being satirical in nature, as follows:
The flagship of the ALLOD network of trollery. Nothing on this page is real.
In March 2024, the same network of sites attributed this exact same quote to country singer Reba McEntire, leading her to publicly disown the statement.
ALLOD often makes claims based on the notion that a well-known celebrity said something that was not politically correct, as Snopes has covered several times in the past.
Because this meme comes with a satire disclaimer and originated from a source that describes its output as satirical, we rate it Labeled Satire.
For background, here is why we sometimes write about satire/humor.