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Claim: A video shows military helicopters from China attacking Taiwan on August 8.
Rating: FALSE
Why we fact-checked this: The caption of the post can mislead the public. It says, “China attack Taiwan now .” As of writing, the post containing the claim has attracted more than 28,000 reactions, 1,500 comments, 4,900 shares, and 2.1 million views.
The bottom line: The Facebook video is taken from a military combat video game called Arma 3. This was posted by a video game streamer named “Madrox Plays.” The video is not an actual military attack. There are also no official reports from the government of China or Taiwan to support this false claim.
Heated tension: On August 4, days after US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived in Taiwan, China “deployed planes” and “fired live missiles” at the Taiwan Strait, according to a report by Reuters.
On Monday, August 8, China disclosed that they are having new military drills in the seas and airways of Taiwan. Beijing – through its foreign ministry – had also expressed its disapproval of Pelosi’s visit . – Erick Prynze Sazon/
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