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Claim: Dr. Freddie Gomez promotes the use of a treatment for diabetes.
A Facebook page named “Manila Hospital News” bearing the logo of Manila Doctors Hospital in black claims that Dr. Freddie Gomez, whom they referred to as a former Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) adviser, promotes the “best” treatment for diabetes.
The page provides a link that redirects to a website with an interface like the mobile version of Manila Doctors Hospital website. It features Gomez promoting Glufarelin for diabetes treatment.
Rating: FALSE
Why we fact-checked this: The post containing the claim has 768 reactions and 111 shares as of writing.
The facts: Gomez, in a message to Rappler, clarified that he does not promote any medication.
“No, I do not, or have ever promoted any medications. Nor do I have anything to do with [M]anila [H]ospital [N]ews,” was his message when asked if he promotes any health and medical products.
Currently, he is an anchor of MedTalk/HealthTalk, a health program of CNN Philippines.
Gomez also clarified he was not a part of IATF, contrary to the post’s claim.
A copycat: Manila Hospital News, on the other hand, is not affiliated with Manila Doctors Hospital. The official Facebook page of the hospital is the one that bears the hospital’s logo in blue in its profile picture, and a blue check (indication it is official) after its name.
The official website of the said hospital is, and only this page is its linked Facebook page.
Unregistered: Glufarelin is not listed among the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) registered drugs.
Punishable by law: Pursuant to the FDA’s Administrative Order 2020-0017, all establishments engaged in the business of health products are required to secure a license to operate (LTO) and certificate of product registration (CPR). Violations of the said act can be penalized under Section 11 of Republic Act 9711. These do not exempt imported products. – Ailla Dela Cruz/
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