| - FACT CHECK: Did Bob Woodward Tweet This Derogatory Joke About Donald Trump?
An image shared on Facebook purports that journalist Bob Woodward made a disparaging joke about former President Donald Trump wearing adult diapers.
Verdict: False
The tweet was digitally fabricated. Woodward did not write the tweet.
Fact Check:
Nikki Haley, former Trump administration Ambassador to the UN and former Governor of South Carolina, is preparing to announce a run for the 2024 presidential election, according to NPR. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ also criticized the former president following a wave of attacks, saying a “verdict has been rendered” by Florida voters on the governor’s policies during the 2022 gubernatorial election, Fox News reported.
The post shares an image of an alleged tweet from Woodward making fun of Trump. The timestamp claims the tweet was posted the evening of Jan. 30. “Since Donald Trump is suing me, I will reveal something I’ve never revealed before about a public figure,” the alleged tweet reads. “The scent-barrier on his Depends is completely insufficient.”
The image is digitally fabricated. This post appears nowhere on Woodward’s verified Twitter account. There is also no record of it on the deleted tweet tracker website, Politweet. There are also no credible news reports suggesting Woodward had made any such remarks.
The image was intended as satire. In the bottom corner of the image, a “Parody by Back Rub” signature can be seen. The Twitter account @FaithRubPol shares a disclaimer in their bio saying, “Most of our screenshots are parodies.” (RELATED: Did The Trump Campaign Send This Email Impersonating Ron DeSantis?)
The false tweet appears to refer to a lawsuit filed by Trump against Woodward and his publisher, Simon and Schuster. Trump claims Woodward’s audiobook, “The Trump Tapes,” used hours of “raw” audio from Woodward’s interviews with Trump without consent, violating copyright laws, CNBC News reported.
Since the lawsuit has been made public, Woodard and the publisher have ceased to promote the audiobook on their socials.
Tune into @NewYorker’s The Political Scene to hear @realbobwoodward talk about #TheTrumpTapes, featuring excerpts from the audio original’s interviews with the former president. Listen here: CC: @simonandschuster
— Simon & Schuster Audio (@SimonAudio) January 23, 2023
This is not the first time false quotes have been attributed to prominent figures online. Check Your Fact recently debunked a claim a Fox News executive said “disrespecting their viewers’ intelligence was the most profitable business decision they ever made” on a hot mic.