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Claim: Phyto Plus fully cures psoriasis.
Rating: FALSE
Why we fact checked this: The post on Facebook with this claim has 432,000 views, 2,400 comments, and 315 shares, as of writing.
The bottom line: Phyto Plus is not registered in the list of drug products approved by the Food and Drug Administration of the Philippines and US, and even the Drug Registration in Vietnam.
No cure, can go into remission: Psoriasis is a long-term scaling disease of the skin which appears as red, raised, scaly patches known as plaques. It can grow in any part of the skin but it usually appears on the elbows, knees, and scalp.
Both the Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Alliance (PAPAA) and National Psoriasis Foundation said psoriasis has no cure. But such disease can be controlled and it can go into remission.
Treatment of the same disease depends on its condition which ranges from mild to severe. Treating psoriasis also lowers the risk of developing other health complications such as psoriatic arthritis, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and depression.
List of treatments: PAPAA listed the following treatments for psoriasis: antifungals, antihistamine, biologic agents, coal tar, combination therapies, dithranol, retinoids, steroids, and vitamin D analogues.
Corticoids on treatment: The fact-checked video also claimed that corticoids damage the skin. Contrary to the said claim, the National Psoriasis Foundation said that corticoids are found in topical steroids, which is the most frequent treatment for psoriasis.
They said corticoids control inflammatory responses in the body, and are ideal for anti-inflammatory use to reduce swelling and redness caused by plaques. – Ailla Dela Cruz/
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