| - Last Updated on November 28, 2023 by Neelam Singh
Quick Take
A social media article claims that Disney’s new roller coaster is specifically designed for euthanasia. We fact-checked and found the claim to be a satire.
The Claim
An article was published by a media website named Mouse Trap News suggesting that Disney had confirmed its intention to construct a roller coaster focused on euthanasia. It is aimed at providing a supposedly peaceful and enjoyable means of ending individuals’ lives. The piece commenced with the headline ‘Confirmed: Disney is Building an Euthanasia Roller Coaster’.
We have attached the screenshot of the article below:
Fact Check
Is Disney’s new roller coaster specifically designed for euthanasia?
No. No evidence confirms that Disney is building a euthanasia roller coaster. The content presented in this article does not depict actual events. The idea of a euthanasia roller coaster has been circulating online for several years, but there is no evidence that Disney is actually planning to build one. The idea is based on a hypothetical and conceptual art project by Lithuanian artist Julijonas Urbonas, which was first published in 2010. Urbonas’s design is for a roller coaster that induces a state of euphoria and then causes the riders to lose consciousness and eventually die from lack of oxygen.
While the idea of a euthanasia roller coaster may intrigue some, it is important to remember that it is not a real possibility.
We further researched and found that Mouse Trap News specifically characterizes its content as humorous or satirical. They pride themselves on creating fictional narratives surrounding Disney Parks, including announcements, resort news, and collaborations, emphasizing the lack of truth, reality, or accuracy in their stories while aiming for entertainment.
This is not the first time we have encountered inconsistent claims about euthanasia. We have previously debunked claims suggesting that Pope Francis recommended euthanasia. Additionally, we addressed a story about New Zealand supposedly approving euthanasia for Covid-19 patients, which we debunked. Furthermore, we refuted reports of the Dutch euthanizing people without their consent.
Why do we fact-check satire at THIP MEDIA?
We fact-check satire because many people struggle to grasp humor techniques like sarcasm, irony, and exaggeration. Some take satire literally and mistake it for real news, leading to misinformation. Satire often loses its context when shared on various platforms or seen out of its original context, causing confusion about its intent. Fact-checking ensures that even fragmented or out-of-context satire is correctly understood, preventing misunderstandings. Moreover, diverse audience tastes and varying frames of reference affect how satire is received, making fact-checking crucial to prevent jokes from being taken as facts. By clarifying references and intent, fact-checking helps ensure that everyone recognizes satire, especially those unexpected audiences who may encounter it without context.