| - On 15 October 2016, the Guard1an web site published an article reporting that renowned singer-songwriter Bob Dylan had rejected the 2016 Nobel Prize in literature recently bestowed upon him:
Bob Dylan, the Nobel laureate has rejected his latest accolade which has gotten the public buzzing.
Bob Dylan did not state reasons for the rejection but has promised a press meeting on Saturday.
This report first appeared on, a fake news web site that uses a URL similar to that of a legitimate news source, the UK newspaper The Guardian, in order to fool readers. A disclaimer on notes that the site is not affiliated with The Guardian:
You are on this website because we believe you have the eyes to see the number one in our name. We are not connected to or linked to any media website or company.
Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature on 13 October 2016. While the singer-songwrier has not commented on the award as of this writing, he also has not rejected it:
News broke that Bob Dylan had been awarded the Nobel Prize in literature, thousands of enthusiasts lined up to pay kudos and to thank the Swedish Academy for acknowledging his genius.
So far, Dylan himself isn’t one of them.
Nearly a week after the announcement, the artist, who just finished two consecutive weekends performing as part of the Desert Trip music festival, has yet to acknowledge the honor, Sara Danius, permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy that awards the prize, is reported as saying.