| - Last Updated on July 17, 2024 by Dr Priyamvada
Quick Take
A post on X claims that AirPods can cause brain cancer due to high EMF radiation. We did the fact check to term it as False.
The Claim
According to a post on X by W.R. Schock, AirPods and similar devices emit extremely high levels of electromagnetic fields (EMF) that are harmful. And, they can cause brain cancer. The post suggests that AirPods are 11 times more destructive than cell phones and compares them to miniature microwave ovens.
Fact Check
What is EMF?
Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are areas of energy that surround electronic devices. A variety of sources emit EMF, including power lines, electrical appliances, cell phones, and wireless devices like AirPods. EMFs are mainly of two types:
- Non-ionizing radiation: This type of radiation has low frequencies and is generally harmless. Examples include EMF from cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, and Bluetooth devices. Non-ionizing radiation does not have enough energy to remove tightly bound electrons from atoms and does not cause ionisation in human tissue.
- Ionising radiation: This type has high frequencies and can cause cellular damage. It includes X-rays and gamma rays, which can remove tightly bound electrons from atoms, leading to ionisation and potential damage to DNA.
Is EMF really that dangerous?
Non-ionizing radiation, which includes the EMF from wireless devices like AirPods, is generally not harmful. The energy levels are too low to cause the ionisation of atoms and damage DNA, which is the primary concern with ionising radiation. Regulatory bodies, such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), have set safety limits for EMF exposure from consumer electronics that are well below harmful levels.
Non-ionizing radiation has been extensively studied, and the consensus in the scientific community is that it does not pose significant health risks at the levels emitted by consumer electronics. The thermal effects of non-ionizing radiation, where it causes heating of tissue, are well understood. And, devices are regulated to ensure that they do not produce enough energy to cause harmful heating.
Can AirPods or earbuds really cause brain cancer?
No, current scientific evidence does not support the claim that AirPods or similar Bluetooth devices cause brain cancer. Several studies and reviews by health organisations, including the WHO, have found no conclusive evidence linking the use of cell phones or Bluetooth devices to an increased risk of brain cancer.
- World Health Organization (WHO): The WHO states that current evidence does not confirm the existence of any health consequences from exposure to low-level electromagnetic fields, including those emitted by wireless devices. According to the WHO, numerous studies over the past two decades assess whether mobile phones pose a potential health risk. And, to date, no adverse health effects have been established as being caused by mobile phone use.
- National Cancer Institute (NCI): The NCI reports that studies to date have not shown a consistent link between cell phone use and cancer, including brain cancer. They note that while some studies have reported a slight increase in certain types of brain tumours, these studies have limitations and biases that affect their reliability. The overall evidence does not support a link between mobile phone use and cancer.
- Federal Communications Commission (FCC): The FCC sets limits on the amount of radiation that consumer devices can emit and states that devices that comply with these limits are safe for use.
Do AirPods emit more than 10x the radiation as your phone?
No, this is not true. The comparison often cited refers to specific conditions, such as maximum output power, which are not reflective of typical usage. Both cell phones and AirPods emit non-ionizing radiation within safe limits established by regulatory authorities. The Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is a measure of the rate at which energy is absorbed by the human body when exposed to an radiofrequency electromagnetic field. This SAR value for AirPods is well within the safety limits set by regulatory agencies.
Are AirPods miniature microwave ovens?
No, this is an exaggeration. Microwaves operate at much higher power levels and frequencies designed to heat food. The EMF from AirPods is orders of magnitude lower and operates at frequencies designed for wireless communication, not heating. The power output of AirPods is very low, usually in the milliwatt (mW) range. On the other hand, microwave ovens use hundreds of watts (W).
The claims made in the X post about AirPods emitting harmful levels of EMF radiation and causing brain cancer are false. Extensive research and reviews by health organisations have found no evidence to support these assertions. Users can continue to use their AirPods and similar devices without fear of them causing brain cancer. Still, we would like to point out, that you should follow the guidelines by manufacturers and regulatory bodies.
Health organisations around the world, including the WHO, the NCI, and the FCC, continue to monitor and study the potential health effects of EMF exposure. They consistently find that the levels of EMF from consumer devices, including AirPods, are safe and do not pose a significant health risk. We also came across several other posts which spread misinformation about these personal audio devices. For instance, earphones are making people deaf, or earphones causing facial paralysis, but you can continue using your personal audio devices, provided you take care of the volume.
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