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At a glance
- Claim: The government will be distributing monthly cash aid amounting to P10,000 to solo parents, mothers, and housewives.
- Rating: FALSE
- The facts: As of writing, there are no announcements from the national government regarding this.
- Why we fact checked this: The video containing this claim has now reached over 71,000 reactions on Facebook.
Complete details
Since July 13, a video has been circulating on Facebook containing the claim that solo parents, mothers, and housewives will be given a P10,000 monthly allowance from the government.
This is false.
As of July 2022, there are no announcements from the national government regarding this.
There have also been no new reports from local governments and government agencies regarding any monthly allowance to be given to these groups.
Last June, the Expanded Solo Parents Welfare Act or Republic Act No. 11861 lapsed into law. The law includes new provisions such as the distribution of P1,000 cash subsidy to solo parents whose income is below the poverty line and 20% discount on infant formula, diapers, medicines, vaccines, and other necessities.
Rappler has recently debunked multiple claims regarding supposedly new cash aid distribution programs by the government that may be found here. – Sofia Guanzon/
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