| - A popular video showing a young girl with a melodious voice singing the standard "What a Diff'rence a Day Makes" has been racking up millions of views since August 2015. A claim that is frequently shared alongside the video is that it shows a young Amy Winehouse.
While the video does capture a young girl with impressive vocal skills, that little girl is not Amy Winehouse at age ten, nor is it even a ten-year-old. The video shows eight-year-old Angelina Jordan performing on the TV 2 show Allsang på grensen on 3 June 2014:
Amazing! 8 year old Angelina Jordan, winner of Norway's Got Talent 2014, performs Dinah Washington's "What a Difference a Day Made" on the opening show of TV 2 singalong summer hit "Allsang på grensen" on Thursday June 3rd 2014.
That the singer herself bears little resemblance to Amy Winehouse at age eight, or any age (although Jordan's deep, wide-ranging voice does sound like Winehouse's) could be a clue that the video wasn't Winehouse. Another is that the hair and clothing fashions are contemporary as of the mid-2010s, not at all resembling styles from 1993, when Winehouse would have been ten years old. Furthermore, the quality and style of the video is clearly high-definition, nothing at all like what might be shot on a consumer camera or even aired on television in 1993 or 1994.
While we couldn't uncover any videos of Amy Winehouse singing at age 10 to compare to the video of Angelina Jordan, a clip of Winehouse singing "Happy Birthday" at age 14 was included in the biopic Amy:
As of December 2017, this video was also circulating with the claim that it shows Elvis Presley's granddaughter. It does not.