| - FACT CHECK: Are H-E-B Grocery Stores Banning Shoppers Under The Age Of 16?
An image shared on Facebook more than 7,400 times claims the San Antonio-based H-E-B grocery store chain banned children under 16 from its stores starting April 6.
Verdict: False
An H-E-B spokesperson confirmed the grocery store chain has not implemented a ban on shoppers under the age of 16.
Fact Check:
Misinformation about shopping restrictions has circulated online amid consumers stockpiling necessities in anticipation of shortages during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
This particular Facebook post claims the grocery store chain H-E-B, which operates more than 400 stores in Texas and Mexico, has banned adolescents from its stores, saying, “Starting April 6, 2020, no children under the age of 16 will be allowed in stores til further notice.”
The post’s claim is incorrect. The San Antonio-based company has not announced any such age restriction on its website, and local news outlets have debunked the alleged policy.
A spokesperson for H-E-B confirmed in an email to the Daily Caller that the claim “is not true.” (RELATED: Viral Image Claims Catfish Are Coronavirus Carriers)
H-E-B announced on Tuesday that it would extend its temporary hours of operations in stores across Texas to opening at 7 a.m. and closing at 10 p.m. starting April 27. It had previously reduced its hours last month to help curb the spread of the coronavirus, according to San Antonio Express-News.
At press time, Texas has reported 21,069 coronavirus cases and 543 deaths, per the Texas Department of State Health Services.