| - FACT CHECK: Viral Image Falsely Claims Kelly Loeffler Posted This Message About Stacey Abrams On Her Parler Account
An image shared on Facebook allegedly shows Republican Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler on Parler saying, “Under the watch of Secretary Raffensperger, Stacey Abrams registered hundreds of thousands of black and Democrat voters.”
Verdict: False
There is no record of Loeffler sending the message from her Parler account @KLoeffler. The pictured account does not belong to Loeffler, a spokesperson for her campaign confirmed.
Fact Check:
The image appears to show a message Loeffler recently posted on the social media platform Parler. The message reads, “Here are the #FACTS: Under the watch of Secretary Raffensperger, Stacey Abrams registered hundreds of thousands of black and Democrat voters. We can’t let that happen again.”
However, a closer inspection of the account reveals that the message doesn’t actually come from Loeffler. The Georgia senator has promoted her Parler account on her verified Facebook and Twitter accounts. Her handle on the platform is @KLoeffler rather than @SenatorKellyLoeffler. Loeffler’s Parler account shows no record of the pictured statement.
Stephen Lawson, the communications director for Loeffler’s campaign, told Check Your Fact in an email that the account @SenatorKellyLoeffler is “not her account.” The fake account is currently set to private. (RELATED: ‘George Soros Is Majority Owner Of New Social Media Platform Parler’ – Did Fox News Air This News Chyron?)
The screen grab of the message from the fake account circulated online after Abrams, a former Democratic gubernatorial candidate in Georgia, received praise for her efforts to register and mobilize voters in Georgia to flip the state to the Democrats. The Georgia Secretary of State website shows President-elect Joe Biden leading President Donald Trump by about 14,000 votes as of Nov. 16, and multiple media outlets have called the presidential race in Georgia for Biden.
Loeffler advanced to a January runoff election for the Senate on Nov. 3, according to The Associated Press.
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