| - Last Updated on October 30, 2023 by Neelam Singh
Quick Take
A social media post claims that ginger, onion, and honey cure piles. We fact-checked and found the claim to be mostly false.
The Claim
A presentation shared on SlideShare discusses the health benefits of home remedies. The first slide asks, ‘Do you know the health treasures in your backyard?’ On slide number 36, it claims that mixing T juice with ginger, onion, and honey can cure piles.
We have attached a screenshot of the post below:
Fact Check
What are piles?
Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, happen when the blood vessels swell around your bottom and rectum. This can lead to pain and discomfort. Some common signs are itching, pain in the bottom, lumps near your back passage, bleeding from your bottom, or even the hemorrhoid coming out.
Piles occur when there is too much pressure in the lower part of your rectum. Things like being constipated, lifting heavy things, having chronic diarrhea, or pushing too hard when you go to the bathroom can cause piles. Other factors include being pregnant, getting older, being overweight, and what you eat.
To some extent, doctors recommend changing your diet to help with piles. Eating foods with lots of fiber can make your poop soft and easier to pass. Drinking water and other liquids can also help. It is important to talk to your doctor about how much fiber and liquids you should have each day. They will consider your weight, health, how active you are, and where you live.
We asked Dr Sharad Malhotra, Gastroenterologist, Akash Hospital, Delhi, to explain the role of diet in curing piles disease. To this, he said, “Eating the right way can’t cure piles, but it can make the symptoms better. A good diet should have whole grains, beans, fruits with the skin, and foods with fiber to prevent constipation. Try to stay away from processed foods that have lots of fats and carbs because they slow down your digestion and make constipation worse.”
Dr. Malhotra also explained that there are treatments for piles. These include eating more fiber, using things like laxatives or stool softeners, avoiding medications or foods that make constipation worse, taking medicines to reduce pressure in the veins around the anus, and sometimes having medical procedures like injections, banding, or surgery to fix the swollen veins.
Similar to this claim, we have previously debunked lemon and milk cure piles. In another instance, we also refuted the idea of an herbal spray curing hemorrhoids.
Can ginger, onion, and honey cure piles?
Not exactly. There is no evidence about the fact that onion juice and honey can cure piles. The available evidence does show that eating ginger, onion and honey is good for colon health. However, the available evidence does not confirm whether eating these foods cures piles. These foods contain phytochemical, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties which may soothe the symptoms of piles. However, we found no evidence that confirms ginger, onions, and honey can cure piles. Also, we have no information on the proportion of these ingredients in daily meals to gain health benefits.
Dietician Kamna Chauhan says “Diet cannot cure the pile disease but it can reduce the symptoms. Eating food that are high in fiber can make stool softer and easier to pass. This can make piles less painful. Drinking water and other liquids can help the fiber in your diet works better.”
What can be the dangers of trying to cure piles through home remedies and not seek medical advice?
Piles is comparatively a common disease in adults and most of the time do not cause major problems. However, they can sometimes burst or cause bleeding. In such cases, it can be dangerous to not seek medical attention and keep trying out home remedies.
Trying to treat piles with home remedies without understanding the underlying cause can leave piles untreated. Such a condition can cause anaemia and trap piles in the anal muscles to cause a painful condition called gangrene, which leads to the death of tissues.