| - Last Updated on March 6, 2023 by Neelam Singh
Quick Take
According to a Facebook post, in addition to treating all respiratory conditions, a herbal remedy could also prevent lung cancer. When we probed the claim, we discovered that it was False.
The Claim
A Facebook post supports a single herbal treatment option for conditions of the lungs like pneumonia and asthma. The post also states that it will not only prevent lung cancer but will also repair damaged lung alveoli.
Fact Check
Is the product that’s the subject of the claim trustworthy?
No, definitely not. We performed an online research to verify the product’s authenticity. We found that the Lung Cleaner Tritydo is being falsely and widely advertised on various websites. Our research, however, was unable to identify the product’s components. Our search did not provide any information on the precise concentration of this herbal remedy, the dosage that should be given to both children and adults, any safety measures, or possible side effects of the medication. It is also worth noting that the FDA has issued a warning against using the lung cleaner Tritydo. In addition, there is insufficient scientific evidence to support its use in the management of sore throats, dry coughs, lung collapse, shortness of breath, or even in the prevention of cancer. As a result, it is advised against purchasing the product without first consulting a pulmonologist.
Is it possible to treat all lung diseases with a specific herbal medication?
No, not really. Please understand that airways such as the lungs, bronchi, and nasal cavity are all affected by respiratory diseases. Due to their wide range in severity and close ties to the patient’s age, these diseases are frequently challenging to categorize. In addition, different respiratory conditions are brought on by various risk factors and causes.
Pulmonary inflammation is a characteristic of numerous respiratory diseases, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and acute respiratory syndrome distress (ARDS). For the majority of these diseases, anti-inflammatory therapy is used to relieve or reduce pulmonary inflammation. Asthma, COPD, and bronchitis are the most prevalent lung diseases. Lung cancer, pneumonia, and emphysema are severe conditions that require specialized medical care. The primary treatments for respiratory conditions include bronchodilators, which typically relax the inflamed respiratory muscles, oral and inhaled steroids, antibiotics, oxygen therapy, and, in severe cases, surgical procedures.
What role does herbal medicine play in the treatment of lung conditions?
In recent years, research has focused on lung diseases, which are linked to significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. These diseases include pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). For patients with various lung diseases, the most frequent and widely accepted treatment options are antibiotics, corticosteroids, and lung transplants. However, these treatments have a lot of reported side effects, both systemic and local.
Millions of people around the world continue to place a high value on traditional medicine as a source of health-care treatments. Plant medicines have received a lot of research attention because they are not only effective therapeutic agents but also important sources for pharmacological drug research and development. But so far, their use has only been for relieving coughs. Cough is one of the symptoms of lung diseases that people experience most frequently, along with fever, breathlessness, exhaustion, and headache. Among the herbal cough suppressants were cinnamon, ginger, clove, cardamom, honey, lemon, garlic, onion, turmeric, and licorice.
THIP MEDIA TAKE: We arrive at the conclusion that endorsed product cannot be trusted. This is due to the fact that the product’s specifics, such as its ingredients, dosage, or potential side effects, have not been mentioned. In addition, different lung conditions are caused by various factors, so they should be treated accordingly. Therefore, the claim is false.