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Claim: Joel Escorial, the self-confessed gunman who killed Percy Lapid, was charged as an afterthought.
Jay Sonza made the claim while discussing the November 11 interview of suspended Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) Director General Gerald Bantag.
Acknowledging the severity of the complaints filed against Bantag, Sonza added: “Tapos mabuti na lang ah naihabol nila ang kinasu – kinasuhan na rin nila ’yung nangumpisal na, ‘Ako egay binayaran, ako pumatay, ako bumaril.’ Noong una, hindi ho nila naisama iyon, kaya bali – kaya sabi nga ni Prosecutor General [Benedicto] Malcontento, kahapon kwinuwento ko na ito sa inyo, na iko-consolidate nila ’yung kaso…”
(And then thankfully they were able to file the case – file complaints against the one who confessed saying, “I was paid, I killed, I was the one who fired the gun.” At first, they did not include him [in the murder complaint], that is why according to Prosecutor General Malcontento, yesterday I’ve already told you all this, they will consolidate the cases.)
Rating: FALSE
Why we fact-checked this: As of writing, the video posted on November 12 featuring the claim has over 8,800 reactions, 873 comments, and 250,000 views on Facebook.
The bottom line: Murder complaints have been filed against Escorial and three alleged co-conspirators as early as October 18, several days before murder complaints were filed against alleged mastermind Bantag, BuCor Superintendent Ricardo Zulueta, along with several persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) on November 7.
The complaint against the self-confessed gunman was not filed as an afterthought. Prosecutor Malcontento confirmed on November 10 that the murder complaints have been consolidated.
Percival “Percy Lapid” Mabasa was murdered on October 3. There have since been various developments in the case that culminated in the filing of murder complaints against Bantag and his alleged co-conspirators. – Pola Regalario/
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