| - Last Updated on March 21, 2024 by Neelam Singh
Quick Take
An extensively shared Instagram post claims that autoimmune illnesses are caused by vaccinations. After fact-checking the claim, we determined that the assertion is mostly false.
The Claim
An Instagram Post claims that the vaccination schedule has deceived people’s immune systems, causing an increase in autoimmune diseases.
Numerous claims that the COVID-19 vaccination reduces immunity, speeds up ageing, and causes turbo cancer have surfaced on social media. We thoroughly fact-checked the claims to ensure that they were accurate.
Fact Check
What precisely are autoimmune diseases?
The term ‘autoimmune conditions‘ refers to a range of over eighty persistent diseases that arise when the body’s tissues and cells are unintentionally attacked by the immune system. This ultimately causes inflammation and damage. Dysfunction in the immune response leads to the production of autoantibodies that target healthy tissues. These conditions primarily include multiple sclerosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and type 1 diabetes, among many others.
It should be stressed that while genetic, hormonal, and environmental variables have been suggested as potential causes, the precise aetiology of autoimmune diseases remains unknown. Even though autoimmune diseases present differently, several autoimmune disorders may initially present with similar symptoms. The most common ones are low-grade fever, aches in the muscles, weariness, disorientation, and oedema.
As of right now, there is no cure for autoimmune diseases. Consequently, adjuvant therapy and medicines that lessen inflammation, ease symptoms, and suppress the aberrant immune response are frequently employed in the management of these illnesses.
Do vaccinations cause autoimmune conditions?
No, not for now. Although there have been concerns expressed about vaccinations potentially causing autoimmune diseases, there is no conclusive scientific evidence to support this claim. This can be primarily attributed to the fact that autoimmune conditions are multifactorial in nature.
The influenza vaccine and COVID-19 vaccines have been connected with autoimmune diseases. Nonetheless, these rare instances of autoimmune diseases developing after vaccination typically occur accidentally rather than as a direct result of the vaccine shot. This shows that currently there is no definitive scientific evidence to support the claim that vaccinations cause autoimmune disorders. On the other hand, before being approved, vaccines must pass stringent safety and effectiveness testing.
Please be advised that vaccinations are crucial for preventing infectious diseases and reducing the associated death and disability rates. This supports global public health initiatives. Therefore, more scientific research is required to substantiate the hypothesis that vaccinations can cause autoimmune disorders.
Which factors ensure vaccine safety and effectiveness?
The World Health Organisation states that several factors are taken into consideration while evaluating a vaccine’s safety. These safety measures lessen any potential risks and ensure their effectiveness. Before being marketed, vaccines are put through a stringent preclinical testing process. These tests assess its safety profile before moving on to its administration by humans. Following extensive laboratory testing, the safety and effectiveness of these vaccinations are evaluated in a range of populations. During this phase, they are continuously monitored to look for any adverse effects or side effects.
After achieving an appropriate safety profile, the regulatory bodies carry out stringent production quality inspections. These controls monitor the raw ingredients, production processes, and testing to ensure that the finished product satisfies regulatory criteria. Nevertheless, once a vaccination is recommended, numerous National Regulatory Agencies around the world closely monitor it. The principal examples of these are the DCGI in India, the EMA in Europe, and the FDA in the US.
It is imperative to emphasise that vaccine monitoring involves a multitude of processes. Each system provides distinct data for further research. Furthermore, when combined, these provide a thorough picture of vaccine safety.