What was claimed
A photo shows two children who have decapitated their mother.
Our verdict
It’s a doctored photo, the original is just a family portrait.
A photo shows two children who have decapitated their mother.
It’s a doctored photo, the original is just a family portrait.
This article contains links to an image that is potentially distressing.
An image claiming to show a woman who was decapitated by her children has been shared on Facebook. Accompanying the image is a story of how the children of the Buckley family killed their mother on Halloween.
The photograph has been doctored. The original image shows a normal family portrait, minus the axe and with everyone’s heads attached.
The image was altered by an artist, Edward Allen, who calls his version “Midwestern Matricide”. He sells copies of it on a website that specialises in “spooky changing portraits based on antique photographs”.
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