| - In March 2017, the web site ENH News reported, with no supporting evidence, that director Clint Eastwood had received "terribly tragic news", making reference to "heavy insults" because of the subject matter of his next project:
This previous week, the well known director announced that his next movie will be dedicated to being courageous in the face of the radical Islamic terrorism. Even now, he comes by heavy insults due to his decision to concentrate his controversial movie on the terror attack that happened on a French Train back in August 2015.
The article does not disclose what the "tragic news" was, beyond a vague mention of insults that Eastwood may or may not have actually received.
The movie itself is real. Eastwood is slated to direct an adaptation of the book The 15:17 to Paris: The True Story of a Terrorist, a Train, and Three American Heroes, which recounts an actual incident — the attack that was foiled by U.S. National Guard member Anthony Sadler and U.S. Air Force servicemen Alek Skarlatos and Spencer Stone, along with an unidentified French national.
But ENH News offers no corroboration for either of its claims, and a disclaimer on the site argues that is under no obligation to do so:
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No release date has been announced for the film.