| - Last Updated on July 18, 2024 by Nivedita
Quick Take
A number of Facebook and Instagram posts claim sweet potatoes can decrease labor pains and hence implying expecting mothers should eat a lot of sweet potatoes before delivery. We fact-checked the claim and found it to be mostly false.
The Claim
“Eating sweet potato decreases nerve inflammation and pain perception which helps with endorphin production and the reduction of unnatural pain during labor by reducing inflammation in nerves,” claims one such post.
Such posts can be seen here, here, and here. A screenshot is given below.
Fact Check
What is endorphin?
Endorphins are a group of hormones that have varied physiological functions. They are produced and stored in the pituitary gland. Endorphins belong to a group of hormones that are generally referred to as “Happy Hormones.” They are produced when we do something or eat something that makes us satisfied. Other hormones in this group are dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin.
Can endorphin reduce pain? Does it play a role in reducing labour pain?
There are a number of studies that have related endorphins to the body’s ability of pain management. Researchers note that opioid medications (that are often prescribed for pain endurance in a post-operative scenario) work by mimicking natural endorphins. There are studies that have linked endorphin deficiency to chronic headaches and fibromyalgia.
Endorphins are also believed to have a role to play in handling labor pain. In a study done on pregnant women, researchers have noted endorphin “may increase the ability of women to tolerate acute pain.” In another small study done on a small group of 45 healthy women giving birth, scientists found that the endorphin levels are low post-delivery thereby raising the need for pain treatment medications. However, further studies are required to conclusively deduce that endorphins can reduce labor pain significantly.
Can sweet potato produce endorphins?
No conclusive evidence. We have found no specific research that suggests sweet potatoes can produce endorphins.
Can sweet potatoes reduce nerve inflammation and labour pains?
No conclusive evidence.
A study done on mice in 2017, showed that extract of purple sweet potato color may help reduce the risk of inflammation and obesity. But this does not necessarily translate into the same effect on humans.
Dr. Arpita Chakraborty, MS (OBGY) says, “Sweet potato cannot potentially reduce the labor pains at the time of delivery. Labor pains rank very high on pain levels and have been classified as the most severe form of pain that the human body can tolerate. Eating a few sweet potatoes just before your delivery may not cause a huge difference. Rather, Solid food during active labor is not advised due to the risk of vomiting which very remotely carries the risk of aspiration, which could be very dangerous. Moreover, a normal labor pain doesn’t always culminate in normal vaginal delivery due to numerous obstetrical causes and the only option that remains is a cesarean section for which we require a fasting/empty stomach status for uneventful anesthesia induction and maintenance. So, any solid food, including sweet potatoes, immediately before delivery is not a good idea.”
Dr. Chakraborty’s views match the recommendations of The obstetric guideline of the American Society of Anaesthesiologists, published in 2007, that states, “the oral intake of solids during labour increases maternal complications,” and that “solid foods should be avoided in labouring patients.” While some researchers believe consumption of a light diet during labor may not cause major complications, most experts suggest avoiding solid foods pre-labor.
Can you eat sweet potatoes during pregnancy?
Yes. Sweet potatoes are very healthy with a good amount of fiber, vitamins A and C, magnesium, and manganese.
Dietitian Megha Khattar says, “Sweet potatoes are high in magnesium that helps in the production of hyaluronic acid. This acid can be helpful in early cervical ripening and helps in inducing labor.”
Dr. Chakraborty puts in a word of caution, “females in the latent phase of labor can have any kind of nutritious food that they prefer or like. However, if you have gestational diabetes, sweet potato is not recommended for you.”