| - Fact Check: Claim about an artificial woman made in China is FALSE; Chloe is a character from a video game
Artificial woman made in China has been released in Chinese market. The body is made of 100% Fanta Flesh material with silicone parts. It works for 72 hours without interruption on a single charge.
A video of a woman giving an interview is in circulation with the claim that she is an artificial woman made in China. The message shared along with the video claims that the artificial woman can do chores in the house, and talk like a human being but does not have a soul.
This video is being shared on facebook with a claim in Telugu:
చైనాలో తయారైన కృత్రిమ మహిళ చైనా మార్కెట్లో విడుదలైంది. శరీర మాంసం 100% ఫాంటా ఫ్లెష్ మెటీరియల్ సిలికాన్ విడిభాగాలతో తయారు చేయబడింది. ఒకసారి ఛార్జ్ చేస్తే అంతరాయం లేకుండా 72 గంటలు పని చేస్తుంది. ఆత్మ లేదు, ఆహారం మరియు ప్రకృతి పిలుపు అవసరం లేదు. దీనికి "HOORI" అని పేరు పెట్టారు. మార్కెట్ ధర రూ.200000 + పన్ను . ఇది ఆర్టిఫిషియల్ ఇంటెలిజెన్స్పై పని చేస్తుంది కాబట్టి ఇది 99% ఖచ్చితత్వంతో ఏ భాషనైనా మాట్లాడగలదు. భారతదేశంలోని యువతను లక్ష్యంగా చేసుకోవడానికి కంపెనీ త్వరలో ఈ "HOORI"ని భారతదేశంలో ప్రారంభించాలని యోచిస్తోంది."
When translated, it claims, "Artificial woman made in China has been released in Chinese market. The body is made of 100% Fanta Flesh material with silicone parts. It works for 72 hours without interruption on a single charge. No soul, no need for food, and need not attend the call of nature. It is named "HOORI". The market price is Rs 2,00,000 + tax. It works on artificial intelligence, so it can speak any language with 99% accuracy. The company plans to launch "HOORI" in India soon targeting the youth in the country."
Fact check:
The claim that the woman seen in the video is an artificial woman is FALSE. It is a character from the Playstation game called 'Detroit – Become Human'.
When we searched the screenshot from the video, we found a video published by Playstation YouTube channel in May 2018. The video is titled Detroit: Become Human – Shorts: Chloe I PS4.
We also found another video posted by a YouTube channel named theRadBrad about the gaming experience of Detroit: Become Human. The title of the video is DETROIT BECOME HUMAN Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 - INTRO (PS4 Pro)
The description states PS4 Detroit Become Human Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 includes a Review, Intro, and Chapter 1: Opening for PS4 Pro. My Detroit Become Human Gameplay Walkthrough will feature the Full Game Story Campaign. This Detroit Become Human Gameplay Walkthrough includes a Review, Chapters, Prologue, Ending, All Endings, All Choices, All Decisions, Single Player, Kara, Chloe, Connor, Markus, Cinematics, Cut Scenes, Soundtrack, OST and more until the ending of the single player story. Thanks, Sony for giving me Detroit Become Human!
Taking the cue, when we began searching about the game Detroit: Become Human, we found an official webpage on We also found the viral video posted on this page.
According to the website, Detroit: Become Human is an ambitious video game production from Quantic Dream for PC.
The media gallery also shows the characters of the game, where Chloe is also seen.
Hence, the claim is FALSE. A character from a video game is shared as an artificial woman made in China.