| - Last Updated on September 22, 2022 by Neelam Singh
Quick Take
A number of social media users have claimed that hot pineapple juice will kill tumour cells and cure Cancer. We fact checked and found that the claim is mostly false.
The Claim
According to a Facebook post, hot pineapple water is naturally alkaline, which has the effect of killing cysts and tumors. It also repairs all types of cancer cells. Additionally, the post claims that pineapple extract only destroys ‘violent cells’, it does not affect healthy cells.”
According to another post, heated pineapple juice has the power to eliminate cancer and tumor cells. Furthermore, the post claims that, “since the hot pineapple water would alter the water’s PH to create alkaline water with a high antioxidant content.” One of the screen shots has been shared below.
Fact Check
What exactly are alkaline foods?
Alkaline foods make an attempt to prevent the body’s chronic metabolic acidosis. The diet encourages a greater intake of fruits and vegetables. The very food itself may aid in raising growth hormone levels. It might also improve cardiovascular health, memory, and cognitive function. However, more research is required to ascertain how alkalinity maintains the health of bones and muscles.
Can alkaline foods cure Cancer?
No, not really. It has been suggested that acidosis is correlated with cell death. A systematic review also discovered no evidence to back up a link between an alkaline diet and a higher risk of cancer. Furthermore, researchers dismiss the notion that alkaline foods can impact cancer cells. There are a lot of claims about alkaline foods being able to cure Cancer. However, there is still no conclusive evidence regarding the claim. Medical studies show that our blood maintains a pH of which makes it slightly acidic. This pH is tightly controlled and does not change on the basis of our diet.
Does pineapple juice have anti-Cancer properties?
Yes, to a certain extent. Traditional folk medicine has been using pineapple for ages. Bromelain, a complex naturally occurring blend of proteolytic enzymes extracted from pineapple, has many health advantages. Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial characteristics may help to explain this. It has been proven that bromelain specifically causes tumor cell death. A few studies have also demonstrated bromelain’s anti-Cancer properties. They can prevent the growth of the body’s cancer cells. Additionally, its effectiveness has been well demonstrated in the case of colorectal cancer. Further, it is comparatively safe. There have been a few adverse effects noted, though. Among them are digestive issues, headaches, tiredness, dry mouth, skin rashes, and unpredictable allergic responses.
It needs to be highlighted that there isn’t any definite evidence that it can treat all forms and stages of cancer. Additionally, there is no evidence to support how heat influences pineapple juice’s potency. Therefore, pineapple can be a beneficial addition to a cancer patient’s or cancer preventive program’s diet.
We asked Dr. Sarthak Moharir, Radiation oncologist at the HCG Cancer Centre in Vadodara, about pineapple’s ability to treat cancer. He explained that, “Cancer cannot be cured by pineapple. Furthermore, the lack of evidence proving how heat impacts pineapple juice’s ability to treat cancer may be the cause of its uncertain therapeutic relevance.”
THIP MEDIA TAKE: The principal healing component of pineapple is bromelain. Despite research suggesting its application for a number of medical conditions. The precise method of action is still uncertain. Even though bromelain is often used and widely accepted to be safe, additional research is required to fully understand its therapeutic potential. Henceforth, we conclude that the claim is mostly false.