| - On 4 May 2017, the America's Last Line of Defense web site (and numerous related shill sites) published an article positing that former Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly, who had recently parted ways with Fox in the wake of accusations of sexual harassment, had been hospitalized in New York after being beaten by a group of cowardly "liberals" who accosted him at a bagel shop:
Bill O’Reilly was reportedly at a bagel shop in New York City this morning when he was approached by two women and three men who said they were “disgusted” by his behavior towards women at Fox News. O’Reilly, who has never been afraid of anyone, turned and told the group to grow up and leave him alone. That’s when the “tolerant” liberals got violent.
One of the men grabbed O’Reilly and dragged him out into the street, according to witnesses, where the other two men proceeded to kick him until he was unconscious and bleeding. The 5 perpetrators, who are still at large, ran off like the cowards they are. The police arrived within minutes and called for medical help.
O’Reilly was taken to St. Vincent’s where he is in critical condition with 4 broken ribs and a punctured lung. Doctors also fear that he had a cardiac event and have him on a monitor. The doctors are hopeful.
None of this was true: No legitimate news outlet reported that Bill O'Reilly was beaten or hospitalized, and he continues hosting his "No Spin" material via his new podcasting venture.
This report originated with America's Last Line of Defense, a clickbait fake news site whose disclaimer notes that "all articles should be considered satirical and any and all quotes attributed to actual people complete and total baloney."