| - FACT CHECK: Image Claims To Show The Stump Of An Ancient 10-Mile Tall Tree
An image shared on Facebook purportedly shows the stump of an ancient 10-mile tall tree.
Verdict: False
The image actually shows Jugurtha’s Tableland, a rock formation located in Tunisia.
Fact Check:
The claim that the photo shows the stump of an enormous ancient tree has been circulating online for years, appearing in Facebook posts dating back to at least 2017. A recent iteration of the claim has garnered over 8,300 shares.
“At its height, this tree trunk was 2.5 miles across,” reads the caption for this particular post. “The tree full grown would reach 10 miles into the sky.” (RELATED: Does This Video Show Hurricane Laura Approaching The Louisiana-Texas Coast?)
In reality, the formation in the image is Jugurtha’s Tableland, a rock formation located in Tunisia near the country’s border with Algeria. The Tunisian Ministry of Foreign Affairs tweeted the photo of the mesa in August 2017. Mesas, flat-topped mountains that are usually wider than they are tall, form via erosion, according to National Geographic.
This isn’t the first time social media users have shared posts erroneously claiming a rock formation is the remnants of an ancient tree. In August, a viral Facebook post alleged the Devils Tower butte in Wyoming was one, despite the fact that geologists agree it formed from magma beneath the Earth’s surface.