| - FACT CHECK: No, Delta Force Did Not Raid An Adrenochrome Warehouse in San Francisco
An image shared on Facebook over 600 times claims Army Special Forces personnel confiscated 600 liters of adrenochrome from a building in San Francisco.
Verdict: False
The military did not discover large quantities of adrenochrome in San Francisco. The claim appears to stem from a website that states it publishes “humor, parody, and satire.”
Fact Check:
The image in the post shows the title of a video posted on the platform Rumble by The David Zublick Channel announcing Delta Force had raided an “adrenochrome warehouse.” (RELATED: Did Gen. David Petraeus Author This Essay About The Military?)
“In San Francisco on Monday 600 liters of adrenochrome were seized when U.S. Army Special Forces raided an adrenochrome facility in an 8,500 square foot warehouse south of Pier 33, where they discovered 15 industrial freezers brimming with bags of chilled adrenochrome — 600 liters in all,” the Facebook post reads. It further alleges that flashbang grenades thrown by the military personnel during the raid stunned two chemists working at the site.
The post appears to reference a conspiracy theory followers of Q-Anon believe that adrenochrome is a “mystical psychedelic favored by the global elites for drug-crazed satanic rites, derived from torturing children to harvest their oxidized hormonal fear,” according to the Daily Beast.
There is no record of the alleged raid taking place in San Francisco. A search of the Defense Department’s press releases and social media posts turned up no mention of soldiers confiscating adrenochrome and bags of blood from a warehouse in San Francisco. There is likewise no statement from the city of San Francisco about such a raid. A wider internet search turned up no news reports of a large adrenochrome supply in San Francisco being seized by the military.
The Facebook post’s text appears to be lifted from an Oct. 21 article posted by Real Raw News bearing the headline: “Delta Force Raids Adrenochrome Warehouse.” While Real Raw News includes a disclaimer that it publishes “humor, parody, and satire,” the Facebook post does not, seemingly presenting the information as genuine.
This isn’t the first time Check Your Fact has corrected baseless claims that stem from Real Raw News. Check Your Fact previously debunked the false claim that a group of Navy SEALs raided Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates’ ranch home in Wyoming.