| - Video claiming to be #FAStagScam is False. Agencies assure #FAStag safe and secure.
The driver and his companion in the car explains that the boy is trying to scan the FAStag with a scanner built in the watch of the boy to make money
A video surfaced on the social media, in which a boy is cleaning the windshield of a car is visible. The driver and his companion in the car explains that the boy is trying to scan the FAStag with a scanner built in the watch of the boy to make money, and terms it a new scam around the FAStag. The video became instantly viral as the owners of the vehicles installed FAStag, were in shock tried to alert those people who didn't aware of the new age scam. But, the agencies implementing the FAStag clarified the video as spreading misinformation, and the tag is safe and secure.
Fact Check:
The social media users found the video interesting on or before June 24. Searching on facebook and twitter with 'FAStag' and 'Fastag Scam'. In the list of the videos, it can be observed that the people who shared the video early included a tag, #VideoCredit- Baklol Video in the description of the video.
The Baklol Video ( is a Facebook page that hosts scripted videos, and the impressum of the page says, Independent Artist and Entertainer. The page is owned by Pankaj Sharma (, who claimed to be a theatre actor. There are a number of videos on the page, with repeated people acting in a number of roles as per the script. The people in the said viral video are also visible driving in the same car, but on a different task in the video posted on Facebook at. The watch wore by the boy who cleaned the windshield, shows time in Red digits.
A similar model of the watch can be purchased at Amazon for Rs 99.
Similarly, the NETC and NPCI also responded and said the transactions can be only done though the authorised toll and parking plazas, through the permitted IP addresses and URLs.
They apprised that, 'No transaction can be executed through open internet connectivity, and no financial transactions can be initiated without the prerequisites'
By considering the facts available, the videos circulating on social media can be called baseless and false.