| - On 10 May 2017, the Business Standard News (which also goes by BS News) published an article appearing to report that televangelist Paula White was selling American flags that had been personally blessed by both herself and President Donald Trump:
Televangelist Paula White, a close confidant of President Donald Trump, is capitalizing on their friendship. White, a notorious proponent of the prosperity gospel, is now hawking “prayer flags,” for $100 a piece.
“These flags will enhance your prayer request, since they have been prayed over by both the president and I,” said White in a message on her website.
This article is not a genuine news item. The Business Standard News (which also goes by BS News) is an entertainment web site that does not publish factual stories. The site's "About" page clearly notes the satirical nature of its articles:
The Business Standard News is a satirical site designed to parody the 24-hour news cycle. The stories are outlandish, but reality is so strange nowadays they could be true.
We checked Paula White's web site to see if there was any overlap between satire and the real world, but found no sign of her selling American flags blessed by President Trump.
Business Standard News has also published fake news articles reporting that Pat Buchanan saying that "everything was better" in the 1950s, when people knew their place, that Ann Coulter was arrested for using the women's restroom, and that Stacey Dash was only hired by Fox News to attract "old, horny men".