Was a man transported in broad daylight from a suburban neighborhood into a UFO in a beam of energy or light? No, that's not true: This video was made by the YouTuber idiotpie in 2010 to improve and test their CGI skills and to get suggestions from their audience. They were forthcoming about their intentions in the original video captions and never intended to deceive anyone into believing this was a real alien abduction.
A pair of videos was posted to the idiotpie YouTube channel on July 10, 2010. One appears as the first 25 seconds of a video published by Ryna Channel on June 2, 2022, with the caption and video title:
Real 100%. A man was taken by aliens.A man was taken by an alien.
This is how the post appeared at the time of writing:
(Image source: Facebook screenshot taken on Wed Jun 08 22:11:55 2022 UTC)
On July 10, 2010, the first of two videos was posted to YouTube by idiotpie. It was titled and captioned:
Alien Abduction caught on tape!!!! (720p)
This is a CGI test so tell me how i can make it more real
One of the commenters suggested:
To make it more realistic, you'd want the guy to move a bit faster and have him fight the pull instead of just standing straight.
A second video was uploaded that seems to have followed that suggestion. The same UFO and same house appear in the second video, but this time the person seems to struggle and tumble as they are pulled up in the UFO's beam. The title and caption, which includes a link to the first video, reads:
Man being abducted by aliens!!! (720p)
This is the revised version of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7EEdh...
This is how the video thumbnails appear on the idiotpie YouTube channel:
(Image source: YouTube screenshot taken on Wed Jun 08 22:54:59 2022 UTC)
Lead Stories was not able to identify the source of location featured in the uncaptioned second video clip in the video posted by Ryna Channel.