| - An old video showing a group of men issuing threats to the Indian government over Kashmir has been revived and is being shared as recent.
The viral video shows a man speaking in Urdu saying Kashmir is a part of Afghanistan. The man goes on to say that Muslims have prepared for a 100-year-long battle. The video clip has been overlaid with a Islamic song.
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The video is being shared in the backdrop of the recent developments in Afghanistan. On August 15, the Taliban captured the Presidential Palace in Kabul and overthrew the Ashraf Ghani led Government.
On August 17, a Taliban spokesman said in a press conference, "Women will be granted permissible rights under Sharia law." Meanwhile, human rights groups are concerned about the massive violation of freedom of women in the Taliban regime as during their previous reign between 1996 and 2001, girls as young as 10 year-old were not allowed to go to schools; there was also an order of the use of full veil for women.
A Hindi caption with a Facebook post sharing the viral video translates to 'Look, not even two days and Taliban is already threatening India. Brace up for another mishap'.
(Hindi: लो अब दो दीन भी नहीं हुऐ और तालिबान का हिंदुस्तान के लिए भी धमकी भरा पैगाम आ गया…..एक और हादसे के लिए तैयार रहिए)
View the video here.
View post here.
Also read Photo Of A 2014 Street Play In London Falsely Linked To Afghanistan
The same video has been shared on Twitter too.
Fact Check
BOOM did a reverse image search on a key frame of the video. We found the same video shared on some Facebook pages and YouTube channels in 2019.
A Facebook post from February 23, 2019 shares the same video with an Urdu caption translating to 'Afghan Taliban to India Even if they dare to attack Pakistan, they will make India like the United States and Russia. Open warning'.
Translated by Google Translate
(Urdu: افغان طالبان کی بھارت کو اگر پاکستان پر حملہ کی جسارت بھی کی تو انڈیا کا حال امریکہ و روس جیسا کر دیں گے ۔ کھلی وارننگ)
View the post here.
Also read Old Hoax Of '229 Christians' To Be Executed Revived After Taliban Takeover
We found the same video uploaded on YouTube on March 22, 2019 with a title 'Afghan Taliban Hard Reply To India'.
View the video here.
Speaking in Urdu, the man in the video speaks says, "I have been hearing it for a while that India is threatening Pakistan with a war. I want to tell the Hindu government of India that we are with Pakistani army and the nation. You cannot do anything to us. Like we made the US cry, we will do the same to you'.
The man goes on threatening the Indian government in the video.
(मैं कई दिनों से सुन रहा हूं कि इंडिया पाकिस्तान को जंग की धमकी दे रहा है. मैं इंडिया के हिन्दू हुकूमत को बता देना चाहता हूं कि हम पाकिस्तानी आर्मी और आवाम के साथ हैं. तुम हमारा कुछ नहीं बिगाड़ सकते हो. जिस तरह हमने अमरीका को रुलाया उस तरह तुम्हारा भी यही हाल होगा.)
BOOM could not independently identify the person seen in the video. We could not find any media reports about the viral clip too. However, we were able to track the video to 2019 on YouTube and Facebook.
Also read Morphed Image From Iraq Shared As Taliban Chaining Afghan Women