| - FACT CHECK: Viral Post Claims Ellen DeGeneres Is Giving Away $5,000 To 100 People Who Like And Comment On It
A viral Facebook post claims that talk show host Ellen Degeneres will give away $5,000 to 100 people who like and comment on it.
Verdict: False
The Facebook post is not associated with DeGeneres and does not represent a real, ongoing contest.
Fact Check:
The post masquerades as an official giveaway from DeGeneres, saying, “I will selectively choose people on Facebook, ‘Everyone I comment on’ WIN ‘will receive a gift card, cash and the BIG WINNER can get a car and money’ SHARE NOW, don’t miss it! We are watching !!! I will choose 100 lucky people $5,000 each by following the instructions.”
However, a closer inspection of the account reveals that it is not affiliated in any way with DeGeneres. It has the wrong name – The Ellens Fund rather than Ellen DeGeneres – and lacks the blue check mark, which notes that the account has been verified by Facebook.
The alleged giveaway doesn’t hold up under scrutiny either. No such giveaway appears on any of the talk show host’s social media pages, nor on the official website of “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” where official giveaways are posted. It appears to be a scam.
Similar scams about DeGeneres giving away various monetary amounts for likes, shares and comments have circulated on Facebook over the years, according to Snopes. (RELATED: Is Kohl’s Offering Free Shopping Sprees To 80 Families, As This Facebook Post Claims?)
This isn’t the first time the Daily Caller has debunked a supposed giveaway. In April, social media users posted a fake Kohl’s shopping spree promotion that asked users to share and comment to win.