| - Fact Check: No, this is not the meeting point of Atlantic and Pacific oceans
It claims that this is the meeting point of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, where "they touch but do not mix with each other". This same video with the same claim has recently resurfaced on Facebook page 'PROUD TO BE AN INDIAN'.
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India Today Fact Check
This is not the meeting point of the two major oceans, but a river meeting the Pacific Ocean at the Strait of Georgia near Vancouver Island.
If you have come across this video on various social media platforms, do not believe it. The viral video in question shows an ocean with a clear separation line, with blue water on one side and murky on the other.
It claims that this is the meeting point of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, where "they touch but do not mix with each other". This same video with the same claim has recently resurfaced on Facebook page 'PROUD TO BE AN INDIAN'.
Though many believe it as some wonder of nature, India Today's Anti Fake News War Room (AFWA) warns that this claim is false. This is not the meeting point of the two major oceans, but a river meeting the Pacific Ocean at the Strait of Georgia near Vancouver Island, Canada.
This post by 'PROUD TO BE AN INDIAN' has already been shared by nearly 300 people, but there are several other Facebook pages which have shared this video earlier as well.
Besides Facebook, this video has attracted thousands of views on other social media platforms. We found that last year AFP Fact Check had filed a story on this video and found the claim - "the meeting point of two oceans" - as false. AFP also contacted the person who filmed the incident.
An American tourist, Maryan Steve-Pearson, shot this video on July 2, 2015. Two days after on July 4, she posted it on YouTube with the caption: "When the River Meets the Ocean (Fraser River water flows into the Strait of Georgia)". This YouTube video is 1.27-minutes long and has been viewed by 2,81, 849 people so far.
Pearson also mentioned on her YouTube post that she had registered for the copyright of the original video. A few years later, she warned people not to spread "fake information about the video".
According to Pearson, this video was shot from the BC Ferries boat from Nanaimo, Vancouver Island (Duke Point) to Vancouver (Tsawwassen), Canada. The Fraser River flows into the Pacific Ocean at the Strait of Georgia.
The "Fraser River Plume" is a unique phenomenon seen near Vancouver and has always attracted tourists from all around the world.
According to the Ocean Networks Canada, an initiative by the University of Victoria, the river reaches the ocean near Vancouver, "where the fresh water it carries mixes with ocean water to form a thin plume of buoyant brackish water, which according to one oceanographer is the Showpiece of the Strait of Georgia".
The study states that the water of the river and ocean do mix with each other but "in the early summer when the Fraser river carries high sediment loads, the plume is easy to distinguish from ocean water by its distinct light brown colour".
Hence, India Today established that the claim with the video is completely wrong. This is not the meeting point of the Atlantic and Pacific.
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