| - No Portland man by the name of "Mark Len" was arrested for nearly beating his friend "Noah" to death after finding him sleeping with his sex robot. The officer "Patrick Peterson" that supposedly found the victim also doesn't exist. Even though several sites carried the story it originated from a satire website and the picture of the victim was lifted from a 2012 news report about 17-year-old Daniel Stringer who was beaten up somewhere near Manchester in an attack that might have been racially motivated.
The fake story was first published on (archived here) and was titled: "Man Finds Friend Sleeping With His Sex Robot; Nearly Beats Him To Death". It opened:
PORTLAND - A Portland man has been arrested after, according to police, "beating the living sh*t out of" his friend for allegedly sleeping with his sex robot.
Mark Len, 23, was arrested for nearly beating his friend to death after he found him sleeping with his sex robot. According to police, Mark was out of town for 2 days and left his friend Noah in charge of his dog. However after returning home, Mark found Noah in his bed having sex with his sex robot, at which point Mark began beating up Noah.
Huzlers styles itself as a "fauxtire" website and carries a disclaimer at the bottom of each page: is the most infamous fauxtire & satire entertainment website in the world. If it's trending on social media you'll find it here!
This isn't their first fake "Sex Robot" story, just a few days ago they ran one about a Chinese engineer contracting an STD from sleeping with a prototype.
According to Splinter News the site is run by Pablo Reyes and David Martinez and according to Buzzfeed Reyes is involved with several other fake news websites. They tend to shy away from political stories, opting instead to write for a more "urban" audience, with stories about rappers, criminals and celebrities.